Our Classes


HIITwave – HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. A shorter 45 minute high-intensity class designed to get your heart rate racing and into the fat-burning zone. The class is fast paced with continual movement throughout at regular intervals. Recovery times are clocked so that the body continues to push through its barriers and adapt each week.

Class Location: Wandsworth Common / Spencer Park

HIITwave will suit you if:

  • You enjoy high intensity exercise at fast pace
  • You are looking to get fit and burn fat
  • You do not have any issues with elevating your heart rate
  • You are short on time and prefer 45 minute classes

Benefits of HIITwave:

  • Improve cardiovascular fitness quickly
  • Learn to move, run, sprint, and jump dynamically
  • Burn body fat
  • Learn techniques that you can use anywhere without equipment
Book a Free Session Today!